A Jesus Centered Haven

Hope House

Hope House

Caring for young vulnerable girls by giving them a transitional home where they are discipled and empowered to become leaders in their communities.

Creating Opportunities

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View some of the current members of our program and support them by selecting the blue icon on the left in their story.

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Christine Nandera

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Rehema Namuli

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Vicky Nankya

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Moreen Nantume

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Trisha Najjuko

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Suzan Aforyowroth

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Prosper Asaba

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Anita Gift Amweno

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Patience Anena

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Esther Adeke

Discipling and empowering young girls for transformation in Jesus name.

Hope House is a house for 12 young girls between the ages of 9 to 16 years picked from very desperate circumstances and they are given an opportunity to get an education and acquire skills in order to improve their lives. They are settled in a safe and secure house for a minimum period of two years where they are  discipled in the knowledge and fear of Christ through bible study and prayer and at the same time they are equipped with life and income generating skills to help make them self reliant.

Ministry Leadership

The vision of Hope house is to empower the girls in their current relational, economic and geographic context to actively and creatively engage their communities for the purpose of transformation in the name of Jesus Christ

Location Pastor, The City Church - Luzira.
Martha N Banalya

Team Members

Immaculate Apio

Stories From Our Community

Transforming Lives in our cities

Over 15,000 people's lives were transformed every day for four days and 1,180 souls were won to the Kingdom of God.

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A decade of Discipleship and Empowerment for Transformation in Jesus' name

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Christine's transformation story.

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We believe that the power of God is best experienced in-person. See how you can join us in a missions trip experience.

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