Empowering Entrepreneurs

Fit for Life

Fit for Life

Solving the problem of unemployment in Uganda by empowering young entrepreneurs to start their business and giving youth an opportunity to attain a university degree.

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Christine Nandera

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Rehema Namuli

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Vicky Nankya

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Moreen Nantume

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Trisha Najjuko

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Suzan Aforyowroth

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Prosper Asaba

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Anita Gift Amweno

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Patience Anena

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Esther Adeke

Discipling and mentoring young entrepreneurs

Fit for life exists to address unemployment among the youth which is at 63% according to UNILO and at 83% according to Africa Development Bank. 

Uganda has 77% of its population under 25 years making it the youngest in the world, according to UNFPA. The Fit for Life program carries out a yearly training for young entrepreneurs by a Gravitas Impact Association certified business coach in order to equip them with business skills to develop business plans and run their own businesses with international best practices.

The program also offers coaching to the entrepreneur for three years, provides mentors who are business persons in town and in some cases provides start-up capital to outstanding business plans when funds are available. In order to improve on a young person’s employability, the program funds college and university education of a few of them. 


Unemployment Rate Among Youth

Uganda has some of the highest unemployment rates in the world

Ministry Leadership

Discipling and empowering people for transformation in Jesus' name

Location Pastor, The City Church - Kirinya. Ministry Head and Business Coach, Fit For Life
Hellen Judith Icumar

Team Members

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